Child & Family Counseling Center

13649 Office Place, Ste. 102                      Phone: 703-670-5738

Woodbridge, VA 22192                                  Fax: 703-670-8213

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Mental Health Resources

About Our Kids--A site which includes information on mental disorders, parenting, etc. for those looking to adopt, who have been adopted, and special needs adoptions.   

ADHD and Teenagers (includes general ADHD links)    Studying with ADHD

         National Resource Center on ADHD   ADD Resources

Alphabetical list of psychological topics on psychology information online   

American Psychological Association Help Center

American Psychiatric Association Patient Resources

Anger--Tips for Managing: Anger Busters        Anger Management Toolkit

PBS Special on The Medicated Child, focusing on Bipolar Disorder in Children and Teens

Anxiety and Depression Association of America    Calm Clinic--website created an “almost ex-anxiety sufferer! animated interactive site for anxious kids!

Asexual Visibility and Education Network (AVEN)

Autism Resources: Asperger's Syndrome/Online Asperger’s Syndrome Information      and Support (OASIS);      Autism Speaks   Parenting Autism    National Autism Center      at May Institute ;    CDC Autism Resource Page

    Parents of Autistic Children of Northern Virginia (also sponsors support groups)

   Casper Minds, LLC.  A local organization  (based in Haymarket) focusing on social      skills for     kids on the autism spectrum.  This includes parent support groups and      advocacy. Check out their newsletters.  

Bipolar Disorder--NIH Site  Juvenile Bipolar Research Foundation     The Bipolar Child    

                 Bipolar Network Newsletter    Bipolar Guide for Patients and Families.

Borderline Personality Disorder--National Education Alliance for BPD.  Support and information about people with BPD and their loved ones. BPD Central.    

Bullying:   Stop   Bullying Awareness and Prevention

Child Abuse--- Child Abuse at     Child Sexual Abuse--Medline

Conduct Disorders   Article on Conduct Disorder    Links for Conduct Disorder

Critical Mental Health Resources for College Students

DBT Self-Help  Lots of useful handouts based on Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Depression:  Understanding Depression   The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance   HelpGuide’s Emotional Intelligence     Toolkit for Stress and Mood      Anxiety and Depression Association of America     The Mood Gym--A free, interactive     cognitive-behavioral program for depression.  Includes education, self-assessment, onscreen exercises, and homework     assignments.  

    Depression in Older Adults.    Parents Guide to Depression in Teenagers   Major Depression: Everyday Health wide variety of financial, legal, and psychological information and resources.   Also check out the site Transparenting.  They offer a guidebook for $15 based on their program.  The book describes the divorce process and how to help children cope with divorce.  

Domestic Violence--National Coalition Against Domestic Violence     National Domestic Violence Hotline

Eating Disorders (Anorexia and Bulimia)    Anorexia    National Eating Disorders Association     F.E.A.S.T.   Pritikin Wellness Resources  Maudsley (for parents of kids with eating disorders)

   Eating Disorder Clinic at Sheppard-Pratt in Baltimore, MD  Eating Disorders Guide  Student Eating Disorder Awareness     Guide

Emotional Intelligence--how understanding emotions and how they affect thinking and behavior can help you make better choices and improve your relationships.

Encopresis (Soiling)   

Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders: Contains excellent articles on a wide variety of mental disorders and other issues in mental health.  Contains information on treatment, medication, and alternative medicine options.

Enuresis (Bedwetting)--National Kidney Association site   

Exercise–How to Start an Exercise Program  and Stick To It

Kidsaid--A self-help site for kids coping with loss of a loved one.   

Healthy Minds--A consumer-oriented website from the American Psychiatric Association to answer your questions about mental health issues and treatment. good general site for various mental health conditions  

Helping a Friend or Family Member with Depression or Bipolar Disorder

Infidelity--A resources for couples who have struggled with an unfaithful partner.   

Love Advice/Relationship Help    

Medications--If you do not have insurance coverage for medication and would like to apply for free medication, check out The Medicine Program or

Mental Health comprehensive site listing many different disorders and helpful articles.

Mental Health Net - Disorders and Treatments Index

National Institute of Mental Health--Provides information on mental disorders as well as the latest research and clinical trials available.  You can order or download free publications on various mental health topics.

Obsessive Compulsive Foundation     OCD Recovery Center (contains many useful articles)

Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder--Diagnosis and Treatment   

Panic Disorder     Panic Attacks and Panic Disorder

Parent Help Center    

Parenting Wisely.  A program you can do online or via CD to learn better parenting techniques.  

Premenstral Dysphoric Disorder--

Psych Central   A general website with lots of mental health iinformation and articles. mental health links on various disorders.  Includes a self-test to help you and your therapist diagnose your symptoms.  You can also sign up for a depression newsletter.  

Reactive Attachment Disorder.  Help Guide Site   Attachment

Resilience--A brochure from the American Psychological Association on factors that help people cope with difficult life events in healthy ways and ways that you can become more resilient in the face of difficulty and trauma.  


Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)--Information on depression that occurs primarily in the winter months.  To order a light box, which can help with SAD, check out Northern Light Technologies. for improving self-esteem.   Online Guide to Improving Self-Esteem--Includes numerous links and sites for improving self-esteem.    

Self-Injury or self-harm–Cornell University research center on self-harm contains excellent information

Sensory Processing Disorder

Sleep,  National Sleep Foundation,    Sleep Problems in Children

Social Phobia--Information about social anxiety and social phobia.  Social Anxiety Disorder (HelpGuide)

Somatization Disorder--Multiple physical complaints that suggest physical disorders without a disease or physical basis to account for them.  

Stress Management   Stress Management Tools

Suicide: National Suicide Prevention Line       SAVE Suicide prevention--includes support information for family members   American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Tourette's Syndrome Association    Planet Tic--an interactive website which serves as a resource for teachers, parents, and students.   

Virginia Cooperative Extension--PWC Chapter.  Offers parenting classes on various topics.